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2018/5/29 11:08:55    浏览量:10185




Coco tells the story of 12-year-old Miguel, who sets out to become an accomplished (有造诣的)musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. The trouble is, his family has banned music for generations. Miguel suddenly finds himself in the magical Land of the Dead, where he teams up (合作) with the trickster Hector in hopes of unlocking the secret behind his family history.

生于鞋匠之家的小主人公Miguel热爱音乐,一心梦想成为偶像歌神Ernesto de la Cruz那样的音乐家,但他的家族却世代禁止族人接触音乐。痴迷音乐的Miguel秘密追寻着自己的梦想,却在亡灵节那天误打误撞来到逝者的世界。在这个五彩斑斓又光怪陆离的神秘世界,Miguel遇见了落魄乐手Hector的灵魂,他们一起踏上了探寻Miguel家族不为人知往事的奇妙之旅,开启了一段震撼人心、令人难忘的旅程。

这部电影的灵感源自墨西哥的亡灵节(Day of the Dead)。墨西哥人认为,死亡是生命的回照,能显示出生命的最高意义,生与死互为补充完成一个生命周期。这种对生命与死亡的独特理解孕育出了墨西哥独具特色的逝者文化。墨西哥人相信,逝者的灵魂会在亡灵节期间(1031~112)回到生前的家中看望亲人,所以在节日期间,墨西哥总是一派载歌载舞的景象,到处洋溢着欢乐的气氛,庆祝生者与逝者一年一度的团聚。

Day of the Dead is an interesting holiday celebrated in central and southern Mexico during the chilly days of November 1 & 2. Mexicans believe that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31, and the spirits of all deceased children are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. On November 2, the spirits of the adults come down to enjoy the festivities that are prepared for them.


供奉台 (altar)


The centerpiece of the celebration is an altar, or ofrenda, built in private homes and cemeteries. These aren’t altars for worshipping; rather, they’re meant to welcome spirits back to the realm of the living. As such, they’re loaded with offerings—water to quench thirst after the long journey, food, family photos, and a candle for each dead relative. If one of the spirits is a child, you might find small toys on the altar.


漂亮的墓地 (graveyard)


Tradition calls for lighting candles and bringing bouquets to the graves of family and friends. Visitors also leave possessions of the deceased at the graves. In some parts of Mexico, such as the towns of Mixquic, Pátzcuaro and Janitzio, people spend all night beside the graves of their relatives. In many places, people have picnics at the grave site, as well.


亡灵之花——万寿菊 (marigold)


Marigolds are the main flowers used to decorate the altar. Scattered from altar to gravesite, marigold petals guide wandering souls back to their place of rest.


亡灵面包 (bread of the dead)

Another common tradition during the Day of the Dead period is the consumption of the so-calledpan de muerto, or bread of the dead. It is a typical sweet bread, often featuring anise (茴芹) seeds and decorated with bones and skulls made from dough. The bones might be arranged in a circle, as in the circle of life.


亡灵神兽——爱波瑞吉 (alebrije)


The alebrijes are imaginary creatures that have elements from different animals such as dragon bodies, bat wings, wolf teeth and dog eyes. Colorfully painted, they were originally made with papier mache (制型纸板) but nowadays they are also wood carved.


糖骷髅 (sugar skull)

Pressed in molds and decorated with crystalline colors, sugar skulls come in all sizes and levels of complexity. They are sometimes eaten, but their main function is to adorn the altars and tombs with a sugary delight for the visiting spirits.


剪纸 (pierced paper)

Pierced paper (papel picado) is a kind of beautiful Mexican paper craft. Artisans stack colored tissue paper in dozens of layers, then perforate (……上穿孔) the layers with hammer and chisel points. Papel picado isn’t used exclusively during Day of the Dead, but it plays an important role in the holiday. Draped (披挂) around altars and in the streets, the art represents the wind and the fragility of life.


《寻梦环游记》这部以亡灵节为背景的动画电影揭示了墨西哥文化中死后世界的模样,同时用一个温暖的故事向观众强调了文化传统和家庭亲情对于个人的重要意义。最后,让我们一起聆听影片的经典旋律——Remember Me,并永远铭记生命中那些爱着我们和我们爱着的人。



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